Effective Date: 28.07.24
This Warranty is valid from the date of receipt of the coated aluminum PU profiles, confirmed by the buyer on the delivery note (“Effective Date”).
This warranty applies only when coated aluminum profiles are properly applied (according to the standard application instructions) into commercial or industrial building parts.
Coated aluminum profiles must be cleaned twice per year and recorded by a third party.
Any scratches or defects that occur during cleaning will eliminate this warranty.
Documentation of biannual inspection and cleaning of the product can be provided upon request.
QC inspection documents of the end customer before and during the installation of PrimeAlux PU core profile may be requested in case of a claimed material.
Documentation of no long-term exposure to temperatures exceeding 80°C.
The coated aluminum profiles exhibit cracking, flaking, or peeling (loss of adhesion) to the extent that is apparent on ordinary outdoor visual observation of the object
from a distance of three (3) meters / ten (10) feet @ 45 degrees. The above-mentioned incidents arise during normal use and service, and the detected damage affects more than
50% of the total project area.
Color change of PrimeAlux profiles more than ten (10) Hunter Delta-E units as determined by ASTM method D2244 using
BYK Grand instrument (for solid colors, not wood colors). Color change shall be measured on an exposed coated surface that has been cleaned of surface soils and chalk, and the
corresponding values measured on the original or unexposed coated surface. Wood colors should be evaluated visually from a distance of three (3) meters / ten (10) feet @ 45 degrees
from the human eye.
Color changes may not be uniform on surfaces that are not equally exposed to the sun and elements. PrimeAlux does not warrant that color changes will be uniform.
Paint chalking is according to ASTM D-4214; test method A; rating No.2.
1. PrimeAlux WARRANTY
PrimeAlux, called (“PrimeAlux ”), to ensure the highest quality of its coated aluminum profiles within the framework of activities in its production plant in Aqaba, grants hereby to the buyer this limited warranty (“Warranty”) on the coating of aluminum profiles (“Coated Materials”) in accordance with the following terms and conditions of the Warranty. This warranty applies if any of the following warranty conditions occurs within (20) years from the Effective Date.
COMPANY: PrimeAlux, Production Plant in Aqaba, International Industrial Estate, Aqaba-Jordan, P.O Box 787 Aqaba 77110
Warranty Benefits
i. PrimeAlux will pay, within 90 days after all conditions for submitting the claim are met, for material reasonably necessary to
recoat, repair, or replace, at PrimeAlux’s option, the Coated Materials showing the warranty conditions.
Claim Year
0 – 3
3 – 7
7 – 12
12 – 16
16 – 20
Compensation (%)
PrimeAlux shall not be liable for any loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill, or anticipated savings or earnings due to the product not meeting the provided warranty.
This WARRANTY will continue to apply to any coated aluminum profiles that were replaced due to a warranty condition, but only for the unexpired portion of the WARRANTY validity term applicable to the original part.
The Buyer will need to meet the following conditions to receive the Warranty Benefits for a Warranty Condition:
a. Sending written notice of the Warranty Condition within ten (10) days of its discovery to:
CEO and Sales Department – PrimeAlux Aqaba, Jordan.
b. Providing PrimeAlux with access to the affected Coated Materials and the site thereof.
c. Assisting PrimeAlux in determining the exact cause of the Warranty Condition.
d. Providing necessary documentation, photos, and videos as PrimeAlux may request to confirm the Warranty condition.
PrimeAlux shall not be liable for any Warranty Condition resulting from circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including:
i. Force majeure, including acts of God, falling objects, explosions, fire, external forces, or similar circumstances.
ii. Harmful fumes or foreign substances in the atmosphere, salt spray, or alkaline or acid environment.
iii. Moisture entrapment during transit or storage.
iv. Corrosion of cut/bare edges or failure due to improper installation.
v. Storage/installation conditions that allow contact with animals or animal waste.
vi. Mishandling, abuse, alteration, modification, improper use, or unauthorized additions such as solar panels.
Except for this Warranty, PrimeAlux makes no other warranties, express or implied, and disclaims all implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use.
PrimeAlux shall not be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages.
This Warranty applies only to building parts installed within the agreed country or continent.
This Warranty will automatically expire upon any change or transfer of ownership of the property where the coated aluminum is originally installed.
No warranty is provided for coated aluminum profiles exposed to sea spray or installed within 1000 meters (3000 feet) from a salt-water environment.
PrimeAlux is not responsible for any actions taken by the Buyer without consulting and obtaining written approval from PrimeAlux. Unauthorized actions may void this Warranty.
This Warranty represents PrimeAlux’s complete and only warranty concerning coated aluminum profiles purchased by the Buyer. It is only for the Buyer’s benefit and cannot be transferred to any other entity.
PrimeAlux makes no warranty to the Buyer’s customers and is not responsible for any separate warranty provided by the Buyer to its customers.
PrimeAlux may change or discontinue this Warranty by providing the Buyer with 30 days’ written notice.
This Warranty shall be governed by Jordanian laws.